Since I am not there to practice with you, please be safe. Be responsible for your practice; modifying when needed, working at your own level, and stopping if anything does not feel right for you!
Equine Communication with Mike Zimmerman
One of our signature offerings are demos with Mike. Watching Mike work in a round pen with a distracted horse is like watching our own mind race in circles. And, the techniques he employs to connect with the horse and draw the horse to him, to connect with him, are techniques we can use with our own minds. It’s a wonderful demonstration, with many bits of wisdom.
Strong and Open Hip Sequence
My students love hip work…apparently their hips feel tight a lot! Or, it could be because the hips are the home of the second chakra – the feminine vortex of pleasure and creativity. The day filming this was sunny and crisp, with a bit of a breeze you can hear ruffling the tree feathers!
Strong and Open Hip Sequence
My students love hip work…apparently their hips feel tight a lot! Or, it could be because the hips are the home of the second chakra – the feminine vortex of pleasure and creativity. The day filming this was sunny and crisp, with a bit of a breeze you can hear ruffling the tree feathers!
Darn Good Warm-Up Sequence
This sequence is under 10 minutes, and is a great way to start your day, or refresh in the middle. It moves all the major joints, creates a little heat to wake you up, and is especially energizing to the spine. It’s filmed in front of the corn crib (this is where harvests of feed corn would be stored for feeding animals in winter), which is a very vintage building we use for massages during retreats now!
Long, Luscious Hamstrings
Just to be clear; I myself do not have long, (nor luscious) hamstrings. But, as I do this short practice, I imagine that I do! They feel longer with each repetition, and by the end, they definitely feel lengthened. This practice is best if you have yoga blocks. But, if you happen to be someone with long, luscious hamstrings, you may not need them at all.
Long, Strong Spine
A spine that is tight, or weak, is a spine that aches. Little (or big!) pockets of tension settle in and make camp, sometimes around the shoulder blades, sometimes in the mid-back. The back is one of the big areas for which students request relief in class. This 10-minute practice can be done anytime you feel your back needs special attention.
Nadi Shodhana – a practice to create balanced energy
Pranayama is breath work, and this particular practice help balance our active and passive energy…like the three bears, we want to be “not too anxious, not too dull, but juuuuuust right”. It’s also a great way to calm the mind just before meditation.